The Launch of 3 Multipurpose Community
Centers in Dhusamareb

Somali Development Initiative (SODIN) has marked a significant milestone with the official launch of three newly constructed community centers in Dhusamareb Districts.
The launch of 3 multipurpose community centers in Dhusamareb

Published Date: March 20, 2024

Time to Read: 4 minutes

Somali Development Initiative (SODIN) has marked a significant milestone with the official launch of three newly constructed community centers in Dhusamareb Districts.
These centers, located in Ilbir, Arlaadi, and Hilaac IDPs camp, represent a crucial addition to the region, offering a range of multi-purpose services to residents. From educational programs to healthcare initiatives and community gatherings, these centers are poised to become vital hubs for fostering social cohesion and development within their respective communities.
The opening of these centers underscores SODIN’s commitment to supporting and empowering local populations, providing them with essential resources and spaces to thrive.

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